Individual Solutions
Whether you are in search of insurance for yourself, self-employed, leaving a group plan or nearing retirement there is a solution for you. Please visit the links of our partners below to review and compare products. Do not hesitate to reach out if you need help deciding which product is best for you, one of our advisors will be pleased to discuss your options in detail.
Life Insurance
- Provides a lump sum, tax-free benefit
- Beneficiary of your choice
- Flexible terms and Permanent options available
- Wealth preservation
Mortgage Insurance
- Cost-effective
- Retain ownership of policy
- Beneficiary of your choice
- Flexible Terms
- Level or decreasing benefit options
Disability Insurance
- Provides monthly income replacement benefit
- Payable in the event of lost income due to illness or accident
- Alleviates financial concerns/obligationsList Item
- Allows you to focus on your recovery
Critical Illness
- Provides a lump-sum, tax-free benefit
- Payable to you (the life insured)
List IteBenefit proceeds can be used at your discretion:
Medical expenses
Home/vehicle modifications
Well-deserved vacation!
Health & Dental
- Prescription drugs
- Eye Exams
- Vision care
- Medical services and supplies
- Travel Insurance
- Professional services (massage, physiotherapy etc)
- Diagnostic services
- Preventative cleaning
- Routine exams
- Fillings and extractions
- Endodontic and Periodontic treatments
- Denture repairs
- Crowns and bridgework
- Orthodontia
Please visit the links for some of our partners below to review and compare products. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need help deciding which product is best for you.